Success Stories

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Jim's Success Story (Golf Game)

"I have been going to Dr. Garvey for seven years. I started after seeing a demonstration at the Elmhurst Bicycle Club. When I regularly visit Dr. Garvey, I just feel better. Some of the benefits of regular visits have been my golf game. I was able to add twenty yards to my iron game and took 3 strokes off my 22 handicap. Second, I have had on and off pain in a dislocated thumb for over twenty years. It took a few months but the pain is gone and has not returned. Most recently, I had a curled toe that was painful and the foot doctor recommended surgery. Dr. Garvey used ART on the toe and the pain is gone and no need for surgery. Other than a seasonal allergy medication, I take no medication other than vitamins and some recommended supplements. I believe in "Results, Not Reasons" so I will continue to visit Dr. Garvey, because I just feel better when I regularly come.

~ Jim

Iris's Success Story (Orthotics)

Iris first visited a Chiropractor in her 70's.  This bright and active woman presented with right leg and hip pain that stopped her in her tracks.  She could no longer walk or stand up straight!  Adjustments gradually released the guarded, tense joints.  ( Since being on her feet continued to aggravate the condition, a foot evaluation was performed.) iris_foot_scan.jpg

The foot scan on the left shows Iris's foot scan.  The scan on the right is a balanced foot.  (The red in the footprints show where the pressure is put on the foot.)

The effects of time and stress caused stretching of the structures that support the feet.  The weight of the body became unevenly distributed across the forefoot and the heel, creating stress and imbalance in the joints of the legs, pelivs and spine.  Dr. Garvey prescribed Iris to wear custom-made orthotics to support the arches in her feet and help balance and stabilize her body.  Her results speak for themselves.

"About three years ago I was laid low by a bout of Sciatica.  I say "laid low" because I was unable to walk any distance nor sleep due to the constant pain.  Going to work was not an option.  After a week of no relief (I had visited an MD and followed his directives), a friend suggested I call The Healing Arts Centre.  I did and was able to see Dr. Garvey the next day.

I'm not going to tell you that I had an overnight recovery, but I will tell you that I started to feel better immediately.  I have continued with weekly (often more) visits and have not experienced setbacks during this time.

When Dr. Garvey and I discussed my use of orthotics, I said I had a pair which I couldn't use.  After I saw the type Dr. Garvey recommends, it was obvious why the kind I had previously purchased were useless.  I have been a faithful user of my custom made Orthotics for almost a year. 

They are a part of my wardrobe!

Thanks to the Healing Arts Centre for helping me to improved my posture, health and general well being."


 Mary Lous' Success Story (Sinus Headaches, Dizziness, Ringing in Ears) IMG_2170.JPG

"I was introduced to chiropractic care about twenty-five years ago when I was experiencing back and neck pain.  Over these years I have received chiropractic care intermittently.

Two years ago I met Dr. Garvey.  I hadn't had any chiropractic care for three years.  I knew I needed to return because of sinus problems, neck pain and dizziness.  Recently I have been experiencing tinnitus.  Having Dr. Garvey do adjustments on my neck, shoulders and jaw has relived my pain.  Occasional acupunture treatments on my sinuses have been beneficial; and I love the cervical support pillow.

The activator adjustment tool Dr. Garvey uses is great!  It releases the muscular tightness and aids in alignment without a lot of discomfort.  The thermal imaging diagnostic tools are good for showing the improvement achieved over time.  My alignment has improved and my neck and shoulders are more mobile.

Chiropractic care, along with regular medical care, has been very good for me.  It has kept me off of heavy medication for back and neck pain.  Sinus headaches, dizziness and tinnitus have lessened over time and I feel much better!  Thank you Dr. Garvey!"

~Sr. Mary Lou


Patient's Corner - Sharons's Success Story with Novolife

Last June, 2010 I attended the information session on Novolife.  It and The Healing Arts Centre have changed my LIFE!  I planned to try it for 1 month.  I have always had weight issues.  After the first month the pounds started to shed.  Now 35 pounds lighter and feeling at least 10 years younger I cannot say enough for this new approach to weight loss.  Individuals I have shared this with are also pleased with the results.  Yes, one has to be motivated.  It's not magic but the end results are magical.  The compliments from people, the encouragement and support from Dr Garvey and the great staff keep you motivated.  I have never been so pleased with a program as I am with Novolife.  Try it and SEE the NEW YOU! 

~Sharon W.

  Tanja's Success Story (Life-Threatening Illness)

Tanja is a vibrant and ambitions mother of two that prefers natural healing methods for herself and her family.  Last year, Tanja suffered a life-threatening illness that she successfully overcame thanks to her healthy immune and nervous system.

In 2008, Tanja began chiropractic care at The Healing Arts Centre.  She suffered from growing daily tension, debilitating PMS, chronic low back pain and became dependent on allergy medictation.  As she graduated from relief care through correction to wellness, all of her symptoms disappeared within 6 months.

In December 2009, Tanja contracted encephalitis, an inflammation of the lining of the brain.  Unfortunately, Tanja had a severe allergic reatcion to her anti-seizure medication, developing a condition called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.  The syndrome may also result from the use of other drugs, including antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.  It is a flesh-eating disease, characterized by blistering and sloughing of the mucous membranes, often fatally attacking the lungs and eyes, causing blindness.

Although Tanja was hospitalized for 10 days as she suffered from full body blistering, Tanja's strong immune system amazed her doctors.  The disease never had a chance to get into her lungs or other vital tissue.  Her speed of healing proved remarkable as well.

She has since resumed her chiropractic care to recover from the year long after affects of chronic strep infections, headaches, dizziness, neck tension and mood alterations.  Just two months after returning to The Healing Arts Centre, Tanja is enjoying painless and healthier days!

  Kathy's Success Story  (Anxiety and Tension)

Kathy first called The Healing Arts Centre requesting relief from her daily bouts of anxiety.  She also presented with severe muscle tension and neck strain due to frequent bending and lifting of her child with physical disabilities, as well as having acquired disk damage from a car accident  5 years ago.  Kathy had to take a break from her full time job and was having difficulty managing her daily life.

"It is only three months later and I can turn my neck and move my body painlessly!  When my disk acts up, the adjustments take it away almost instantly!  I am down to 2 adjustments a week and a massage every other week.  My back and neck have not felt this good in years!  I am working again, and I am actually enjoying regular exercise as part of my self care.  Above all, my anxiety is greatly relieved.  Thank you Dr Garvey!

 T.J's Success Story (Child Chiropractic Care)

T.J.s the last in his family of five to get under chiropractic care.  One day in grade school, he bumped heads with a fellow student.  As a result, he needed fourteen stitches across his forehead.  Although the hospital dismissed him in good health, he suffered a headache everyday following the trauma.  A few days after the event, he was scanned in my office.  His scan showed inflammation in his neck.  Two adjustments and one week later, his headaches disappeared and his post-scan revealed marked improvement.  Way to go T.J.!  Adjusting kids changes their lives forever!

 Mike's Success Story (Low Back)

Mike, a semi-retired carpenter, worked physcially hard all of his life.  In October 2006, he couldn't walk straight due to severe lower back pain and a diagnosis of stenosis.  Stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal cord due to prolonged arthritis and bone spurs; also known as the advanced stage of untreated subluxation.  He underwent a successful surgery and was able to walk comfortably again. 

Months later, Mike began having severe leg pain.  After visiting four doctors, he was told the problem could not be surgically corrected, there was nothing they could do, and chiropractic care was recommended.

Upon his initial exam, we discovered that his problem stemmed from his arthritic back, giving him sciatica, an inflamed nerve that leads down the leg.

Mike has received regular chiropractic adjustments.  Within months he was able to function painlessly throughout his day.  Today, Mike knows that if he maintains his weekly adjustments, rests midday, and does his routine daily stretches, he continues to feel better both mentally and physically.  Although he is retired, he now enjoys spending his time working on construction projects and playing with his grandchildren.

 Jenny's Success Story (Allergies)

Upon meeting Jenny, she complained of neck and back pain that left her sleepless many nights, as well as a longstanding history of allergies.  Since Jenny preferred to go drug free, she learned to suffer through her allergy symptoms.

Jenny faithfully followed her routine of chiropractic care.  When she was re-evaluated 3 months later, she was delighted to report that she was comfortably sleeping through the night, and that her allergies were much better! 

Sinus and allergy conditions are one of the most common maladies that we see at The Healing Arts Centre.  chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture and nutritional supplementation work wonders at alleviating and controlling this annoying problem.


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